Friday, January 21, 2011

femconnnnn! 1/17/11


Last MonFun wuzzz the 17th of Jan and

THEME::  100% FEMCON (female content)
"for arguments sake, it was only bands that had female singers - +++ minimal 'all girl' bands, cause they're starting to piss me off"

Chuu luvvd it rigghhtt>!>!???

The Programming Committee told me how to link the podcasts to you, friend, but that won't happen until next show, cause I'm lazy and me and Jason are going to watch the rest of Honey I Shrunk the Kids or the Simpsons or South Park or Futurama
or something!


Mood Swings = = = = 11-1 from now on!
so listen earlier!
101.7 FM/CIVL.CA 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

01/10/11 Jay Reatard

JJan. 10/11 I did a Jay Reatard tribute show because he's still great and it had been (almost) a year since he died! 
I played: Angry Angles, Bad Times, Destruction Unit, Final Solutions, Lost Sounds, Nervous Patterns, The Reatards, Terror Visions and quite obviously, solo Jay Reatard.

I didn't realize Sour and Vicious Man was a Compulsive Gamblers cover!  I can't stop listening to it (tonight) 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stolen Organ Family Band Show!!!!

We (Me, Tawnia, Jason, Mathew) went and saw the Stolen Organ Family Band last night at the Railway Club - we didn't have money, so they let us chumps in for free!  Despite the creeperrr door guy the night was spec-tac!  I've known about this band since their inception and having been a loving acquaintance of theirs for years, but this was the first time I've ever seen them in action.

They went onstage with an electric acoustic, a Casio keyboard, a blue suitcase, what appeared to be a Fisher Price toy and a shitload of distortion pedals.  Everything got played!

Their performance was delightfully schizophrenic; alternating between charming harmonies and mellow-upbeat folksy acoustic, to complete distortion and red-faced screaming.  It was fucking intense!
It was just Kelly and Conor at this show, usually there is an Ari or a different guitarist - when I heard this I was actually super disapointed, but they are incredible together!  Kelly is freaking adorable, Conor pretends to freak out on her, and it's a total riot of entertainment, check them out for sure!

Best Hits to hear live: A Horse Don't Need Whisky (no more), Baby What's Your Phone Number, Plums, Here Comes the Baby

They're playing another show on the 17th at the Biltmore, and they're playing in Kelowna on Feb 5th!
Maybe I'll see you there, but I'm super brokes!
their myspace.
radio 3
their bandcamp
their fanpage

Stop listening to Mother Mother and listen to something real.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years whatever


Not owe any money anymore
Find a new job
Get less fat
Become a better radio programmer
Work really hard in school!!!!
Work on painting techniques

First Show/11 MoodSwings!

Yo yo!

I never even said Happy New Year, but now it seems false to say so,

and I wouldn't mean it!

Yesturday happened yesterday
and the WHOLE theme was 'Re-friending' and I told you about my wouldbe major and we listened to my favourite hit jamz of all of the time!

THEME: Media Studies

GOOD THEME HAY!!!??????????????

2h2h2h2h2h2h2h2hh2h2h2h2h HIT JAMZZZZZZ

I watched that stupid movie about the Germs and now I like them, but the movie sucks

Sorry I was still so groggyyy from having my wisdom teeth other side removed on the 28
next week'll be better, I guess

I also have shit news to tell you:  most of or all of my show will be pre-recorded from now until April....
I'm so fucking sorry!  I blindly registered for courses without checking when they took place!
Normally when seeing such an error I would drop the course/not take it to begin with
but I'm already registered and I had to get special permission to entree, so, we're fucked!