Monday, January 30, 2012


i likes'd this!!
me:  It's Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore's (Sonic Youth) 17 year old daughter's album
It's inteeeeeeeeeeeense

mother:  cooooool actual[ly] i even know how cool that sounds

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ind. Stud.


I am so so so so s oooo excited for Painting V I could barf all over my friends and family!

I am ripping off this one girl's idea from my last painting class.
She painted all chili peppers in different artist styles.

And I am doing that too, but instead of peppers, cassette tapes
and using different artists, or, at least different reference points.

THATS JUST THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I am going to be doing portraits of music people I like


CASSETTE TAPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

Friday, January 13, 2012



Whenever someone posts a cute video/picture/status about their kid,
I just wanna tell them about how cute my cats are!!

I refrain, because I also expect them to
1) understand
2) relate
3) not be offended
4) not make me feel weird

But, I know, in the hustle and bustle of today's ultra PC, easily offended, can't take a joke, society,
no one would understand.

everyone would be mad at me,
because I compared a child (that shits, pisses and voms all over itself)
to an animal.


"Baby is so cute lernin' how 2 use tha pottie"  - shitty mom
"Neat, the kittes took their steamers in the litter box, as usual"  - AwesomeAlicia

"Aweee, my little baby Angeel is takin da bathzz in da tubz"  - shitty mom
"My kits hate baths, they go meowmeowscratchscratch"  - AwesomeAlicia
(note, the original post would probably have a picture of baby in
the bathtub, which I would report for nudity)

"Baby iz keepin' me ^ all night wit a cough"  - shitty mom
"lock it in the kennel, that's what I do when the kits are bad"  - AwesomeAlicia

"So kute baby is lernin' to talk an axe 4 shit"  - shitty mom
"the kits meow when they are hungry,
but sometimes I don't know why they meow"  - AwesomeAlicia

And so on and so on.
As you can see in these over-exaggerated examples,
I don't allow myself to post comments that are trying to relate to parents through my pets.

because it's weird and dummums would be offended.

to end this post, I will give you a list of why my KitKats are better than your babeh

1) they will never not be cute
2) they will always love me
3) they don't cost lots of money
4) they won't abandon me
5) they clean themselves
6) people don't look at me like I fucked up my lyph

List of people I want to Paint

This list will be on-going,

And by on-going I mean I'll probably forget/stop caring.

These are people I want to paint next I think think think think

Walter Matthau
Louis Riel
John Belushi
Jay Reatard
The Cancer Man
Kathleen Hanna
Nick Cave
Ian McKellen

Obvious I can't paint all of these people, but I wannawanna!!

Hopefully this semester I can paint lots of pop-portraits and build my stinky portfolio -

for whatever reason.


Today it's been 2 years since Jay Reatard died.

Total bummer, he made the best music of our time, easily.

Check out the podcast of last Monday's Mood Swings show, (all Reatard++covers!)

I... don't know how to link podcasts, so, you figure it out!!

Here are some somber Reatard songs for you to hear and think about



one of the last recordings, says