Friday, December 30, 2011


I knew I hated Pitchfork for a reason.

I don't understand why any band would not want to be compared to a riot grrrl band,
especially since bands these days are total shitcrap
and should take any complement they can get.

I think it's mega funny that around the time riot grrrls were doing their thing,
women were denying feminism.

Even women who were organizing take back the night rallies, protests, and whatever were denying that they were feminists despite the fact that what they were doing was like, ultrafeminist.

Pitchfork comes out with this stupid article about girl bands denying the fact that they are riot grrrls.

Ahh, 20 year trends, how you never fail. 

if you're a girl in a band,
and you think riot grrrl and feminism are stupid.
then you're literally the dumbest in the universe.

If you're in a feminist band
and don't want to be compared to riot grrrl,
you're being hypocritical,
and that's lame.

I think what really, really, reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally
bothers me the most

is that people put some much weight into these Pitchfork articles
and now some dumb girls are going to be like,
"riot grrrl is stupid, don't compare us to that"

Pitchfork is to hipsters as CNN is to old people.

please stop basing your own opinions
off of one person's opinion you read on Pitchfork.

Friday, December 23, 2011



I am so excitement for the Christmas!
I got my child sisters so much swag! 
This is the first year I am moooore excite to see them open then to see what items I get!

I have no clue what Mum got me, but I know one thing Grandma got me because she had to call and double check ahhaha!


for now, I'll tell you about this sweetheart book I'm about to get:::

Its this super dope GRRRL book that was just recently released!

I can't wait-o!
Double excite: We're not doing anything for Christmas!!!
Every year everyone wants us to be everywhere.  edcvggte

SO,  this year we threw in the towel and
we're gonna has breakfast for dinner and watch UNCLE BUCK
and, if I get my way, THE FIFTH ELEMENT.

(I've just recently admitted that the Fifth Element is one of my favourite movies.)

Jesus would be totally stoked!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dinosaur Jr.


So I went to Dinosaur Jr. w/ the Makeup Sex and an interview with Henry Rollins tonight with Mom.

It was great, I totally didn't really know who they were before, but I knew of them and heard like, a hit or two, but they blew me away from life!!!!!!

They played their album Bug in whole and some other hits, but I didn't recognize anything really because I've only been listening to The Lung on repeat. 
Before the show was the interview with Henry Rollins.  He interviewed them, they were very high guys,
Especially Jay Mascis, who said things like "I don't remember" as answers to questions.

Something that wasn't really on the song recordings I listened to was distortion.
I kept saying, before, they sound like the Foo Fighters ripped them off harsh

But no. 

So yeah they were crazy, their songs didn't drag
and the last song on Bug, Don't, was the most amazing thing I've ever heard live.

I'm so glad I went to this show. 
And I'm so glad Mom came because she was super fun to go with and was either really good at pretending to be into it, or was really into it.  Either way it was great!

Mom got me the cassette tape boxset of their first three albums!

(and gave him a CiVL pin!)

Triple plus,
Lou Barlow shredded our hearts in half with his bass and with his hair!

three things that were totally lame though were:
  • loser 80's burnout 80's guy attitudes
  • generic Smashing Pumpkins grunge played in bewteen

That's all I have to say now though, because distortion blew my ears and brains away forever.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Televisionetic II

The Walking Dead

All my friends like it, but it's so boring!!!  I watched all 7 episodes of Season 2 and it's like the whole season was a build-up to the last episode.  The rising build-up was for a pointless climax //disappoint

It came to a point where I was watching it for 2 reasons:
1) To know what my friends are saying
2) For the characters I am annoyed by the least

All of the characters were so annoying. 
That one guy who does the other guys wife in season 1 was supposed to be dark and brooding, but he was annoying.
That old guy who tries to be wise and tries to be a father figure to the blonde girl was annoying.
That blonde girl who accidently shoots the inbred and is always mean to the old guy, who fucked the dark brooding guy was annoying.
The wife of the main guy who took all the morning after pills was annoying.
The kid who got shot, who I really wanted to die was annoying.

I liked Carol, Daryl and Glenn though!  and I liked Hershel because old men are dope on tv!!
But by 'liked' I really mean those characters pissed me off the least.  Still annoying, but less.

I like watching 90210, everything happens in an instant, maybe between 1-3 episodes, if 90210 had a whole season building up to one event, it wouldn't be worth watching.  They utilize all of their characters so that something is always happening.  This is not the case for the Walking Dead.

I can watch a dragged out storyline if it's worth it (X-Files' main storyline has been playing out since Season 1, I'm on Season 4 and still am impressed).

The Walking Dead is an endless build up of annoying people doing annoying stuff.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Televisionetic I

X-Files Season 4, Episode 2 "Home":  Scariest episode so far. 

Inbreds scare me more than anything
(other than unknown creatures of the deep sea). 

So many things ripped off by House of 1000 Corpses in this episode.
  Rob Zombie is a douche.

Q:  Who goes into a house where there are three big honking inbreds with only Scully and some no-brains local officer, named "Pastor," really?

On a lighter note, 
I don't know if I can wait until January 10th to see what's going to become of:
Liam's modelling career
Marla's inheritance
Naomi and that inbred's relationship
etc, etc.

If I was like, 4 seconds away from being super famous, I would sell out Adrianna in a second. 
Navid's injury make-up was so over-done it was embarassing. 
I thought there was zero tolerance for Profs dating students.

Are there different drinking laws in Beverly Hills, because I thought they were all still in their teens :S

Friday, December 2, 2011

"War of the Worlds" (Cruise 2005).


So, CiVL is going through this, like, referendum period right now becuase we're requesting the student fee be increased to $7 instead of $3.

I made these kind of pooey flyers, the writing was kinda too much in a smallish kind of space.

So, our silly-willy friends at the Cascade wrote an almost funny, but poorly timed, article about us,
or, specifically, the poster I made.

So your silly-Williams friend wrote one back, because I thought my poster was very.


So here it is, at long last:

We don't hate each other, we're siblings.
I don't want anyone to be mad at anyone for anything because that's super lame.

I like fun!