Monday, December 19, 2011

Dinosaur Jr.


So I went to Dinosaur Jr. w/ the Makeup Sex and an interview with Henry Rollins tonight with Mom.

It was great, I totally didn't really know who they were before, but I knew of them and heard like, a hit or two, but they blew me away from life!!!!!!

They played their album Bug in whole and some other hits, but I didn't recognize anything really because I've only been listening to The Lung on repeat. 
Before the show was the interview with Henry Rollins.  He interviewed them, they were very high guys,
Especially Jay Mascis, who said things like "I don't remember" as answers to questions.

Something that wasn't really on the song recordings I listened to was distortion.
I kept saying, before, they sound like the Foo Fighters ripped them off harsh

But no. 

So yeah they were crazy, their songs didn't drag
and the last song on Bug, Don't, was the most amazing thing I've ever heard live.

I'm so glad I went to this show. 
And I'm so glad Mom came because she was super fun to go with and was either really good at pretending to be into it, or was really into it.  Either way it was great!

Mom got me the cassette tape boxset of their first three albums!

(and gave him a CiVL pin!)

Triple plus,
Lou Barlow shredded our hearts in half with his bass and with his hair!

three things that were totally lame though were:
  • loser 80's burnout 80's guy attitudes
  • generic Smashing Pumpkins grunge played in bewteen

That's all I have to say now though, because distortion blew my ears and brains away forever.

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