Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Review: Bump-Its

I found a wall of Bump-Its at Bed, Bath and Beyond for 3.99 a box on clearance!

Needless to say, the ads on TV made me feel like they were something I HAD to have!
So far (Since 3 days ago-ish) I've only found use for the middle one.  The biggest one is too Snookie and the little one is useless and I don't understand.

They're surprisingly comfortable and easy to use, but it's like as soon as I put it on my head it's tangled because my hair is always such a knotted mess! 

I should also mention that I don't have to use very much hair spray with it!  The box tells me to spray medium strength hair spray, back comb, place bump it in hair, spread hair over it, and then use strong hold hair spray!  I use that cheap $1.99 stuff and don't do a finishing spray and it's all fine and well and good and ok and it doesn't move or anything. 

My head usually hurts after I take it off though, but whatever, right?

This is how I do mine hair now:

Only, as I'm sure you know, mine is a lot messy-eerr and gross, and my pony is higher

I totally love these already, and apparently if I put it on the crown of my head I look less J.Shore and more glamourous!
The biggest one will come in handy if I ever wanna do a beehive, but I don't really wanna do a beehive!

Also, girls I talked to in my class had no idea I was using it!  ! !!

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